Parent University
Parent University is a program that seeks to build stronger communities through the education of parents. It has been successfully offered at several school campuses throughout our district, and we are excited every year to build a strong cohort of parents at our school. Please read the following questions and answers for a general introduction to Parent University. On this page you will find a link to the Search Institute’s 40 Development Assets list, from which our Parent University curriculum is based. If you have any further questions, please contact Ms. Herrera at Thank you for your interest!
What is Parent University?
Parent University is a program that seeks to empower and educate parents on how to build more impactful relationships with their children. The program is based on a research-based curriculum incorporating Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets (see link.) Social scientists studied children for many years and discovered that the more of these assets they had, the more likely they were to succeed as adults. Parent University will teach you how to build these assets with your children.
Are there any requirements or costs to participate?
There are no requirements; any community member interested may join. There are absolutely no costs to participate.
When does Parent University start at Dolores Huerta; when does it meet?
DH Parent University will meet once a week in the fall/winter for an hour and a half after school. The program will last 13 weeks and will not meet during school holidays. Every year we poll interested parents through their applications to decide on a meeting date and time that is convenient for most applicants. Parent University concluded this year on January 8th. Please be on the lookout for next school year’s application in late September!
I work and/or have small children, can I still participate?
All meetings will take place after school. The registration form asks you to rank your time preferences to start. We hope these times are convenient with your work schedules. If you have small children that you must bring with you to attend class we are arranging childcare so you can participate. Please indicate you will need childcare on the registration form.
Are the classes offered in English and Spanish?
Classes are offered in both English and Spanish. Please indicate your language preference on the registration form and we will place you in a group with that language.
I’m not sure if I’ll be able to do it, but I have more questions. Who do I talk to?
If you have more questions, or if you are not sure about registering for DH Parent University but would like to talk more about it—please contact Ms. Herrera, PTA Chair of Education & Advocacy. She is serving as the project leader for DH Parent University. She can be reached by e-mail, or you can stop by her classroom 154 upstairs.